Last night I met up with a contractor in Evanston to whom I sent a marketing package last month, complete with portfolio booklet. He called last week and set up this meeting to discuss some renovation work to this house. The homeowners are new to the area and just bought this house a few months ago. Since then they have found it rather difficult to live in, so they wanted to add a master bath. I met beforehand with the contractor and he downloaded a lot of information onto me about the project and what the homeowners wanted to do. Then we went to the house so I could meet them and get a better look at the place myself.
When we arrived we took a quick look at the exterior of the home, to get better acquainted with its style and construction. One of the owners greeted us outside and ushered us inside to see the master bedroom upstairs. They have one normal-sized bathroom servicing the three bedrooms upstairs. They wanted to add the master bath where a current walk-in closet is located. It seemed like a good, easy plan... then the other owner showed up.
Upon the arrival of our second host, we continued the tour to the rear of the home. From there, a lengthy discussion was had about expanding the home out the back to accommodate more space on both the upper and main levels. Our group moved from floor to floor and from inside to outside and then back inside. We floated from room to room, talking and listening to one another. Their main issue is that they realized there wasn't quite enough house for them. The rear stair was too narrow to even get the bulk of their furniture up to the master bedroom. They just found it unlivable. We quickly realized that their project had grown to a home that will better affect their quality of life, so we expanded the scope.
I worked on a proposal for my services and fees this morning. I submitted it to the contractor shortly after (we are working as a team, so he is including my services/drawings as part of his complete package). He responded this afternoon, we discussed it and now he is preparing his part of the proposal for the homeowners' review. He will present it to them either tonight or tomorrow and will hopefully provide me with good news or at least some positive feedback thereafter. I am keeping my fingers crossed (and not getting my hopes up), but this could be a good job for me and I am looking forward to sinking my teeth into something like this again...